
Blog Party: Where You Been?

As I mowed two lawns today, first the one at my dad's lot and then here at home, my mind drifted to thoughts of vacation and travel. My family has never been one to wander, and my dad never left Long Island until he and I started getting musical jobs in Manhattan or New Jersey, within the last decade. The only other time he traveled was when my mom planned a trip to Florida for their 30th wedding anniversary a few years ago and took him to see the Yankees in their Spring training. His four sisters were all shocked that after nearly 70 years, he was actually going to FLY somewhere. I think my mom had done a little more traveling than my dad before she got married, but I don't think she's ever been out of the country. The same holds true for myself. I've never been off the East coast, and I've only flown twice, three times if you count a connecting flight. The one thing I did embrace once I was old enough to drive, and have friends who could drive, was the road trip.

Some may disagree, but vacation is for the young or the wealthy. Once you graduate college, you have responsibilities. Unless you're fortunate enough to be a teacher, you work all year long. The weeks blur together as do the months, and it all becomes one mass of indiscernible routines. I'd like to think that my adventures are not all behind me, that I'm not too old to visit new places. It took 69 years, but my dad finally went somewhere. Lately I find myself wandering around at Google™ Maps, exploring as much of the world as their bank of satellite images will allow me to. While my thoughts were of places to go, my plans were to just stay home this weekend. It was the first time in weeks that I didn't have to work, but that changed daily. Yesterday, my dad asked if I'd come with him to the lot this morning and since I hadn't in weeks, and he was still tired from resealing the driveway during the week while I was powerless at work, I felt compelled to help him out. This morning one of my band leaders called, and while he originally told us a tentative job today wasn't happening, he learned that we were needed tomorrow. So tomorrow I'll find myself in Little Italy for several hours instead of my room.

When you're young there are pockets of time where you don't have to be anywhere but where you want to be. As we get older, these pockets shrink and we have to weigh where we want to be with where we need to be. That doesn't mean I go nowhere though, nor does it mean I didn't go to some interesting places when I was younger and had the time and opportunity to. This entire line of lawn-mowing musings melded with my realization about how long it's been since my last Blog Party, and I've come up with a great theme for BLOG PARTY: MCF Version 5.0, which will be held on Monday, August 8th. Here's the usual list of guidelines:

1) The host establishes a date for the event and chooses a topic to blog about.

2) On that day, neighboring blogs may discuss the same topic from their point of view, linking to the host's post.

3) The host may design a logo to commemorate the event, which other participating sites may copy to their servers and display as a link to the host in their post as well.

4) Everyone comments on everyone else's posts, “mingling” with the guests. A good time is had by all.

5) The next day, the host posts links in an “afterparty” post, collecting everyone who commented and participated in one place.

Post links to your contribution in the comments section of my post that day, or send me an e-mail at MCFSPU@hotmail.com My post will be up early Monday morning, and I hope to see you all follow with the following topic:

The Five Favorite Places You've Visited

At this point, some may be thinking they haven't been enough places to participate. I assure you, this topic is broad enough for you ALL to contribute, and it would be great if you encouraged your own readers to do the same. Answers can range from exotic islands I've never heard of to museums or supermarkets in your immediate area. Think back on your journeys, revisit memories of specific places and times, and then share why you've chosen your five. Nothing is too big or too small, too mundane or extravagant. In eight days, the Blog Party is going on a massive virtual vacation. Won't you join me, and add to our destinations?



Blogger Kelly said...

Neato, MCF! Travel is one of my most favorite subjects. I'll be there with bells on.

And this is the first time we've had a tall banner. You continue to innovate. :-)

7/31/2005 7:12 AM  
Blogger Lorna said...

dusting off my passport.

7/31/2005 6:56 PM  
Blogger Darrell said...

I haven't been anywhere. Anywhere at all. I've been upstairs, and I've been out in the backyard. Do they count? I'll try to come up with something.

8/01/2005 8:32 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

ANYWHERE counts folks; look at the limited radius of travel cited by your host. The backyard counts, Darrell. I know for a fact that you and Wendy have taken the kids to some fun amusement parks. And if Wendy's from Long Island, I'd bet money she's been to the 1 or 2 amusement parks everyone on Long Island goes to...

This is a wide topic. Concerts. Parks. Museums. Other states. Other countries. Other rooms. Places in your head. If you've been to Narnia, write about it. Remember, there are no wrong answers at a Blog Party. =)

8/01/2005 9:52 PM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

Gah! I dislike traveling.
But I have traveled, so I'll be here (if I remember!)

8/02/2005 1:20 AM  

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