
Hit Points

Role-playing games have many features that are standard, common among all of them. ”Hit Points” are perhaps the most universally shared of these. It's an interesting concept; a character's life is measured by how much damage he or she can withstand. Real life is a lot like that too. Life can only hit us so many times before we inevitably expire. Web sites are measured by hits too, but in the opposite way. The more times someone visits your Web site, the more “hits” you get, the more popular and successful it is. If a Web site isn't hit enough, it inevitably will die. The more you hit me, the stronger I become, like Sebastian Shaw.

It's interesting to note which keywords have generated the most visitors for me. I remember when a DVD review of mine included the phrase “demon lesbian consorts”, and I saw a huge spike in visitors entering not one but all three keywords, frighteningly enough. ”Gwen Raiden” is another article that STILL brings in visitors. She's an obscure character with not a lot written about her online, so people inevitably end up here. The other day I wrote an off-handed comment that ”kissing is possibly more intimate than sex, and can last a lot longer.” Besides generating some debate about it at work the next day with my friend Curt(or ”Dave” as one witty blogger refers to him), but it also increased my search engine hits.

Sex did that. Sex. Sex sex sex sex sex.

That's pretty shameless and tacky actually, bordering on sleazy porn site deception to lure people in. I'd like people to come to my blog seeking the content, my life and my take on the things I like. If words naturally fit what I'm writing about they'll be there, but I'd never resort to sneaking in “boobs” or ”Charisma Carpenter” or “nude” or “24 spoilers” or “World of Warcraft Cheat Codes” or “increase girth” or “lose weight without dieting or exercise” or “Download Revenge of the Sith free here” or any other keywords that would inevitably generate a tidal wave of hits for this site, because I have far more integrity than that.

I am so sorry. You have my profound apologies for today's post. Hopefully those of you who comprise my regular audience will take it in the proper humorous spirit. I hope we don’t part ways like Brad and Jennifer.....


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