
Phantasmic Links 2.9.09

I wasn't sure what my father's health status would be by the time this year's NYComicCon arrived, so when I preordered my ticket I shelled out the extra ten bucks for a weekend pass that would allow me to go Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or all three. I spent the bulk of my Saturday there, got lots of great photos and saw some interesting panels and, as on one other occasion when I bought a weekend pass, figured I was too exhausted to make the trip to the city a second day. I woke up oddly rested on Sunday, and checked the convention schedule against the train schedules. If I wanted to, after mass, I actually could catch a train and make it there in time to see a few more panels and walk the floor with my camera one more time, hopefully with a smaller crowd that would allow me room to get some of the shots I'd missed the day before. It was crazy, and my dad wanted me to take advantage of the nice weather to help put a new battery in his car.

When I got home from church, the old man already had the hood up and the battery disconnected.

“How did you open that without a rotator cuff?”

“I used one arm and a stick. Now I just need you to lift the old battery out and place the new one.”

The batteries were heavy so I was glad he waited for me for that part at least. I also still had time to catch that train, and catch it I did. I'm looking forward to sharing all my pictures with you on Wednesday, but now is the time when I normally share PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) The audio is NOT REMOTELY SAFE FOR WORK, but this dance remix of Christian Bale's infamous rant is too hilarious not to share.
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(2) This corvette can drive 1/4 mile in under 7 seconds. If it wasn't for traffic and speed limits, that would totally help shorten my morning commute.

(3) Mixed Martial Arts meets Mike Tyson's Punchout. Finally....
H.T.: B13.

(4) Eat people, fight the army, and mutate as you try to reach the top of the Monster Evolution.

(5) The Black Panther is coming to BET. It's very cool to see an animated version of JR JR's work.

(6) An art exhibit features various representations of European countries.

(7) According to a Geek Social Aptitude Test, with a score of 13: “[I] wear a ‘Can't sleep, clowns will eat me' shirt [I] bought at Hot Topic, but [I] rarely have trouble gathering a crew to play Left 4 Dead at [my] place. Sure, [I] might not have been prom king, but [I]'ve found [my] niche and similar people to [me] and [I'm] making it work for [my]self. [I] can't really argue with that.” I could argue some of the specifics of that description, although the general portrait works. I imagine some points should be added for taking one of these tests to begin with, as well as adding in links for the pop culture references...
H.T.: J-No.

(8) People in 1910 predicted life in the year 2000. it's interesting to see what their expectations were. I wonder how close the future will be to our imaginations?

(9) Has one of my old friends become a published professor? And what is that smell?

(10) Totem Destroyer 2 brings more physics, more blocks, and more hidden treats and cheats for the dedicated puzzle solver.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger Lyndon said...

The Dance Remix of Christian Bale is good, but if you've seen the video of David going to the dentist. The remix of Christian Bale takes David to the Dentist is better :)


2/09/2009 10:19 AM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

I took the Geek test. I scored a 9.
"You're like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You're a relatively "cool" person, but that's only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don't go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time."

2/09/2009 1:00 PM  

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