
Phantasmic Links 1.26.09

Sunday was the closest our family has had to a normal day in about a month. My mom called my father in the morning, who impatiently asked where we were, expressing his eagerness to come home, even though it was about an hour before the time we said we'd be picking him up. When we got to the nursing home, he poked his head out of the room, hopefully in response to approaching footsteps and not because he'd been doing so every five minutes. He already was dressed, just waiting for the coat and shoes we were bringing. Signing out proved an easy task as well once we located a nurse; he just had to sign a piece of paper and tell her what time he'd be back.

And so, instead of napping in a nursing home he was able to nap in his favorite chair in the living room. I was able to go shopping on my own for the first time in a month, and we all had dinner together in the kitchen like a normal family. He was actually eager to get back for his second antibiotic treatment, as though he would miss it if he wasn't there. I doubt the nurse would just toss the IV bag if the bed was empty. He paced the room when they were a half hour late, and was a little more relaxed once he was hooked up. It's nice to see his attitude shifting from defeat to impatience; he even admitted that a few weeks ago he was “ready to pack it in” but now was not. I'm exhausted, but happy with these first steps toward getting back to normal. And now, insert clever segue here to this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) You don't mess with the Ninja Kitten.
Hat Tip: Darrell.

(2) Hilarity ensues when Transformers and GoBots cross paths. This is probably my favorite video of the week.

(3) This plant is so sensitive!
H.T.: B13.

(4) Lunch Bag Art chronicles what one father draws on his kids' paper bags before sending them to school. I think my mom usually just wrote my name, maybe added a happy face.

(5) We still don't have teleportation, but we continue to do cool things that are very close to teleportation. Of course when I say “we”, I mean people way smarter than I with a better budget and actual scientific equipment.

(6) I wonder if this blog of Superuseless Superpowers will ever include my own improbability ability? It's probably improbable...

(7) Check out this Super Mario Bros. 3 Drum Medley! There are some really specific things to be found on the internet...
H.T.: B13.

(8) Just because all twelve have now been revealed doesn't mean you can't enter a contest to design a Steampunk Cylon.

(9) Heath Ledger wins Screen Actors Guild Award. Well deserved and earned; hope to hear of more victories for the late actor.

(10) The Dark Age is a ridiculously addictive strategy game, and while I don't recommend playing any games at work, I especially don't recommend this one. Three hours can disappear very easily, hypothetically speaking of course...

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger b13 said...

That lunch bag art beats any lunchbox out there.... Even the snoopy one I had that had a thermos shaped like his doghouse. Dude has talent and all the other kids are probably jealous... jealous to the point of an after school beat down.

1/26/2009 1:02 AM  

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