Dear Mister Obama
I do also admire your public speaking ability, and I admit that it's been quite some time since there was a leader who could polarize a crowd and stir up patriotism. Used for good, that kind of charisma can be beneficial. There is also the potential for danger, as history has shown us. Only time will show where your leadership takes us.
I don't envy the position of president. Certainly, your predecessor faced his share of disasters and challenges. Whomever is in office during trying times is apt to get the blame, sometimes fairly, sometimes less so. Every president deals with the policies and actions of the prior leader. People wanted change, and though John McCain would have also brought change, at least in my eyes, the majority of my fellow Americans felt otherwise.
I'm actually relieved that the results weren't so close this time. As annoying as it was to hear Democrats be sore losers, I had no desire to hear the same whining from Republicans. We really need to move past the divisive nature of bipartisan politics, and not approach it with the same vigor as sports fans arguing over which team they like best. Both you and Senator McCain were far more civil and gracious in your speeches than your supporters, and on that I salute you.
It's the people I worry about, on both ends of the political spectrum, the ones with too much emotional investment. Some approach you with the reverence of an adolescent boy with a crush. They magnify the things they like about you so much, that you become some unapproachable deity, to be worshipped from afar. Not one day after winning the election, your supporters are already merchandising your likeness. This behavior is as distressing as the McCain supporters who booed through his concession speech. It's time for all of us to move forward, happy or sad, and realize that you're all just human beings like the rest of us.
I have my concerns, ranging from your stance on abortion to your economic plans. With a Democratic majority in the other branches of government, you'll probably be able to pass a lot of things I won't agree with. The war on terrorism certainly isn't going away any time soon, and I hope you'll make wise decisions in settling our disputes abroad. If you were my second choice for president, it was simply because I disagreed with you. Politics should be based on policies and not the popularity contests they sometimes become. Those who take these things too personally are either bitter or jubilant right now, depending on who they chose. I for one am off the subject for a while.
Good luck in the days ahead, and may we all see better ones. God Bless America.
P.S.: As America embraces its new crush, I pray for a smooth transition as our ex, who's still living with us for a few months, prepares to move out. Hopefully it won't be too awkward of a breakup, and I'm sure he won't take as much stuff from our House as the previous ex.
nicely done.
p.s. I skipped the p.s.
I find it amusing that I looked into Middle Income Home Energy Assistance Program (MI-HEAP) to help defray the heating costs we will endure this winter.
Unfortunately, "middle income" for a family of two seems to be about $41K annually.
Somehow those numbers don't seem to mesh with Obama's figures.
Good job. I didn't see anything here I disagree with, either. It's going to be interesting to see how long it takes his most rabid supporters to turn on him. People who are capable of one extreme are usually capable of the other as well.
Did you actually mail this out or is Barry a reader of your blog?
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