
Phantasmic Links 12.17.07

Sunday brought the rain and the wind, and yet my driveway was still encased in ice. I shoveled valiantly for an hour-and-a-half before giving up. Meanwhile, I inadvertently broke our screen door by leaving it propped open for the stray cat to come in and eat. The wind tore the tube right out of the molding. With a broken door, and half the driveway shoveled, guess which of those details my dad noticed first when my parents got home? And with the weather, I still haven't done any shopping. This is going to be an interesting week; I can tell.

Some days, it's best to just stay inside and search for PHANTASMIC LINKS:

(1) Rey goes looking for cows. I wondered if every place in that state looked the same, but I'm sure folks say the same thing about Long Island. I showed a friend at work whose parents live near there, and he described Rey's town as a “metropolis” compared to surrounding areas. I think I'd either go insane or spend a lot of time online in such a place. In other words, it would be business as usual...

(2) Now isn't this costume just Prime?
Hat Tip: B13

(3) Do Germans love vampires? Let's see...
H.T.: Darrell.

(4) Some guys like to get tattoos of beautiful ladies. Some guys like a girl with breast implants. And then there's the guy who got implants for the tattoo of the chick on his leg.

(5) I wonder if the Daft Body Girls are looking for a magic marker artist...
H.T.: Rey.

(6) ”Danger: Avoid Death” I'll have to remember that...

(7) Are you ready for EXTREME....sleeping?
H.T.: Darrell.

(8) Souvlaki Tetris, like every incarnation of that game, is ADD...wait for it...ICTIVE.

(9) 30 Years of Lucasfilm Christmas Cards? ‘Tis the season to be geeky.

(10) Come on, everyone knows Lincoln shot first...

(11) Santa's had quite a lot of adventures in the Marvel Universe...
H.T.: Darrell.

(12) And finally, Why so Serious? I'd already seen the trailer on the big screen but still....chills.

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



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