
Phantasmic Links 1.15.07

Day two of my uncle's tag sale didn't go as well as the first day. I think the persistent fog and generally crummy weather kept a lot of customers from venturing out. The few that we did have bought a few trinkets, but I'm surprised more weren't lured in by the promise of half prices. It took hours for us to pack everything up afterwards, since a lot of the breakable glass items had to be wrapped individually in newspaper, and I helped my uncles lug a drafting table and a kitchen table out to the garage.

My mom didn't seem to want to leave, and was frantically looking for a box of silver containers she wanted to bring home. I finally had to go out to the car and go through the things I'd packed away, to prove to her they were already there. I think she's going to have a harder time saying goodbye to that house than my uncle. It's not like Sunday was the last day she'll ever be there; besides further trips throughout the week it looks like she's going to have another sale next weekend. Meanwhile, my uncle's basement is empty as are many of his rooms, while I can't walk through our own basement without tripping over boxes or old furniture. Now she wants to take home his dining room table and get rid of ours, which I love and we've had since before I was born, but which she now claims she “never liked”. It's her call.

As the kindling increases, I'd ask my real life friends to notify my readers should I suddenly stop posting after perishing in a house fire. I'm still alive though, so here are this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

Battlestar Galactica has been canceled, according to a link I found via Sean. Oh, wait...false alarm.

After such a vicious rumor, and the stress of a busy weekend, I need something to reduce my tension. Fortunately, Darrell was kind enough to send me virtual bubblewrap. I'm not sure if I've linked to this before, but the classics never get old.

There are a lot of ways to catch up on movies and televisions shows, and with all the Flash sites featuring them online, more and more sites are popping up that index these sites and make it easy to find things. TV Links, Alluc.org, Your TV Links and Peekvid are the top four I've come across. Enjoy them while they last. Sean, B13 and others too numerous to credit have brought sites like these to my attention.

Speaking of B13, he's one of the more dedicated readers when it comes to submitting links, and each week it gets harder and harder(”That's what she said!”) to narrow them down. Here are some highlights:
This action figure from Spider-man 3 reveals a major spoiler about the appearance of one of the planned villains of the movie. My anticipation grows...

Silly rabbit, Trix are for... uh, on the other hand, help yourself big guy...

The Simpsons go anime, as did Futurama before them.

Talented people can do a lot with a watermelon. I have to show these to my mom; for parties she used to make a fruit-salad inside a whale or basket carved from a watermelon, but nothing like this.

Rechargeable USB batteries?

At a tropical getaway, The World takes shape via terraformed islands.

Get that special child in your life a Krypt Kiddie to snuggle up with at night.

The Ice Storm cometh. I'm going to regret typing this, but I kind of wish we'd get some snow and ice here to spice up some of my photography haunts. Does anyone else hear fate twisting a snow shovel into my hands?

This just in from theGreek! B13 just got owned! And so did Jerry! What's going on here? Did everyone just get owned?(Warning: May contain disturbing images, manipulated and otherwise)

Finally, they sell Cthulhu demon slippers! Thanks for the link, Jerry!

This week, Jerry also helps us keep track of movie body counts.

But the best thing I got from Jerry this week was a kitten screen cleaner.

If you want to show off the fact that you're both a designer and a massive geek, this kern sweater is for you! Thanks Curt, I'll be placing my order as soon as possible!

Here's another one from Darrell, the World's Smallest Thinker.

Someone “narrowed down” the 500 Greatest Guitar Riffs of All Time. It might be possible to dispute the order, but with that many I doubt I can say he missed any.

Pictaps let's you draw your own character and watch it dance. There goes the rest of my life...

Have a link to a game, movie, article, or anything else you think might be “phantasmic”? E-mail me and it just might appear in an upcoming PHANTASMIC LINKS!



Blogger The Unseen One said...

Dang! My heart skipped a beat when you said Battlestar was canceled!!!

1/15/2007 10:27 AM  
Blogger b13 said...

I can FINALLY remember the difference between kerning and leading. I want one of those :)

1/15/2007 2:13 PM  

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