
M.C.F.A.T. Volume XIV

I'm tired, and the three or four hours of work Saturday night are nothing compared to the full day of walking and playing music that lies ahead of me. It should be a lot of fun as always, but it's definitely one of those weekends where I'll be looking forward to sitting in an air conditioned office on Monday morning. I'm not so wiped that I can't recall my roman numerals and denote this the FOURTEENTH edition of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test. On to the questions!

1) Friends and family often offer advice or share experiences with the best of intentions, sometimes with the opposite of the desired effect. What are some of your more memorable “you're not helping...” moments?

2) You enjoy this actor's work, but many people just don't get it. Who is it?

3) In general, when it comes to movies, are originals better than remakes, or vice versa? Feel free to cite examples that support either or both positions.

4) If it were scientifically possible to live on any other planet in our solar system, through the development of faster-than-light travel and genetic enhancements or protective suits, which planet would you choose to live on?

5) Who would win in a war: Hobbits or Smurfs?

SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: The year is 1985; who is Flora?

You have one week to consider these questions and post your answers at your respective blogs. Next Sunday I'll link to your answers and share answers of my own.



Blogger kevbayer said...

Yay! A new test!
I'll work on it. I already know my answer to #5!

Hope you get some rest.

7/16/2006 9:51 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

A classic, classic advice story is when I first started college and just couldn't get into the fraternity night life as it was SO not me.

I'll never forget my dad telling me:

"Janet, just go the frat party, hold a glass of wine..."

It was in that very moment I realized just how different our visions of college life were. :)

7/17/2006 10:28 AM  
Blogger Darrell said...

I've been banging my head against walls for three days now trying to come up with something. This one is tough... but, in the very words that a very wise man recently blogged, I WILL NOT BE STOPPED. Expect a link soon. Eventually.

7/18/2006 5:32 PM  
Blogger MCF said...

I didn't spend that much time coming up with this one given my schedule this weekend, yet I'm wondering if I did make this one too hard. :/

Answer what you can, folks, answer what you can. It's not graded. :)

7/18/2006 8:07 PM  
Blogger kevbayer said...

Here's mine.

I don't think it was too hard. Very interesting questions. I just think we're all to muddle-headed from the oppressive summer heat to think clearly enough!

At least: that's my excuse :-)

7/19/2006 11:41 AM  
Blogger Darrell said...

I don't know if I passed this one, but I finally came up with some answers.

7/20/2006 8:42 PM  
Blogger Lorna said...

I would have bet anything that I read you every day, yet I missed this---I'll get on it.

7/21/2006 1:15 AM  
Blogger Kristine said...

I finally participated!

7/21/2006 2:21 AM  

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