
Phantasmic Links 12.4.05

I woke up this morning, stretched, and looked at the sun streaming through the edges of my shades. I walked in to the kitchen, glanced out the window, continued to the refrigerator and stopped, backing up and looking out the window. The sky was gray and the ground and trees were white and slushy. The light in my room had been deceptive, and I was surprised to see snow outside, though I guess it had been a possibility in the forecast. How can it be snowing already? It seems like just last week I was at the beach! When did it become December? When did it become Winter? And when am I going to get to this week's PHANTASMIC LINKS:

I wish my first guest post on the Bible Archive had better news. My friend Rey spent a weekend in the hospital after a sudden and as-yet unexplained seizure. Though feeling fine now, doctors might not allow him to drive for six months as a precaution. I'd ask that you please keep him in your prayers and thoughts.

The mighty have fallen! After some tweaks to the Ecosystem, my ranking has slipped from “Flappy Bird” to “Slimy Mollusc”. As blogs are my witness, I WILL evolve again!

In the future, here's what magazine covers will have to say.

The Treadmill Bike is a brilliant invention! Enough running indoors on a treadmill--now we FINALLY have a way to get the experience of running OUTSIDE! Truly, this was needed.

I love a cat story with a happy ending, especially when i can live vicariously through a feline who's traveled more than I have.

Jamie Dawn reveals how the concept of the Christmas tree is being turned upside down.

Sometimes, Science Fiction and Fantasy books are WAY too long. At the risk of putting myself out of business, here are some super short summaries.

Avast! Johnny Deep be reprisin' his role as a pirate. Yarggh, hook tip ta' Sean.

Do you ever feel like your life is one big dirty diaper? You need a change, but the process seems so much worse that you'd rather wallow in your own filth? Sometimes, The Happy Husband writes some profound crap.

While pondering life and change, I stumbled across Starball and I've been wasting time playing the game ever since.

In my day, hoodlum kids didn't film dance parties in departments stores, dagnabbit. Of course, we didn't have any of them fancy digital gizmos, consarn it.



Blogger Lorna said...

You're getting funnier by the week. And I'll pray for Rey.

12/06/2005 8:55 AM  

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