

Oh, man.

Ever get really tired for no reason after dinner, on a day where you watched two movies and did little else? Ever lay down in bed with a good book, and suddenly find that it's very dark, you’re dizzy, your ears are ringing, your mouth is dry, and you don't know where you are? Ever have reality slowly come crashing in, and feel like it must be 2AM, only to get up and see it's not yet midnight? Ever regret an egg-and-cheese sandwich that you suspect is the cause of a dehydrating condition which cannot be described in further impolite detail on a public blog? Ever stagger back to your room and begin typing at 12:20 AM, fully planning to mark the post 11:59PM?

If I make it, I'll be at a dinner party at my boss' house of all places tomorrow night, so I can't promise I'll write anything of more substance then. For tonight, this is all I have to say which is a shame, because in my head earlier tonight I had a lot to say about those movies. I also keep finding myself dwelling on the events of last night and wondering if I didn’t make a mistake. Of course, if she went home with some other guy she’s probably not the kind of girl I’m looking for, and I really can’t let myself get interested in someone solely because I think they might like me. Going for the first girl who might have shown interest in me in over five years would definitely be a mistake of desperation. Mutual interest is key.

Ever fall asleep for three hours then wake up feeling like crap, and decide to write a short post before going back to bed, only to start going off on a tangent in the middle of your concluding thought, one which results in you writing slightly more than you intended, and leads to a weaker conclusion in the form of a long question?


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